Utilize space for revenue

What is Passii Station?

Passii Station is a turnkey fashion resale program that allows our partners to effortlessly offer a sustainable and profitable addition to their businesses.

Passii provides partners with racks, hangers, clothing that carefully curated by our stylist team that already been tagged with a sale price, name and barcode. Partners incoporate Passii Station to their businesses by deciding where to locate the racks in their locations (cafes/restaurants/lifestyle space), manage the sales and profit from day 1.

Why our partner choose to host a station? 

Potential revenue

As Passii partners, you can earn a commission on each sale, allowing you to generate additional revenue.

Don't have to invest in inventory

Zero upfront cost required for inventory. Passii also take back what does not sell. Brand can profit from Day 1.

Drive traffic to your location

Through Passii's product offering and community of conscious consumers who love doing good with their purchases.

Reinforce your brand image

By promoting sustainability through the partnership.


Meet Our Passii Station Partners

Passii @The Joi Factory

The Joi Factory x Passii partnership has been operating since 2019.

The Joi Factory is a vegetarian café/restaurant and hotel located in district 1. They have a space on the mezzanine floor that was not being utilized effectively.

This space has been transformed and now houses 6 racks of Passii selected items. This addition has not only generated extra revenue for the Joi Factory but also provides a unique experience for their dining and staying guests.

Passii @À Day Café

Àday is a café located in Pho Duc Chinh, Binh Thanh. It is known for its sanctuary vibe and attentive service.

A Day has a space between the meeting room and café that they want to utilize in a meaningful way. When A Day reached out to Passii, we knew we were the perfect match because both A Day and Passii are brands run by young people who aim to create social value through business activities. Therefore, Passii Station 2 was set up very quickly afterwards.

Passii @Padma De Fleur

Padma De Fleur is a florist/café-bar located in the heart of the city. It is known for its charisma and uniqueness in styles and service offerings.

Padma has been a partner to Passii on different occasions, as both brands cater to a similar customer segment and offer personalized experiences to their customers.

Passii Station at Padma De Fleur is the latest addition, and it is the smallest one with only 1 rack. The rack is placed under the staircase to cover Padma's storage area (which used to be a big wooden chair), while also generating extra income for the place.


10+ partners nationwide are under discussion to host Passii Station

Join Passii today and start offering your customers a sustainable fashion option that they will love.

Or hit us up via 

(+84)81-851-7588 (zalo/whatsapp) if you are interested to open a Station on your own. 

Cheers !