We do all the work for you
We determine price by
We have an extensive range of brands that we accept. Brands in the mid-price and premium categories generally hold their resale value better than lower-priced brands.
If a product is highly coveted, it can fetch a good price, regardless of its brand, and vice versa. We measure customer demand with real-time data analytic system.
Pricing also depends on the product's condition and the quality of materials used. To command a good price, the item should be in excellent, like-new condition and made from high-quality materials.
How we calculate your earning
Initial Item sale price (VND) You receive
Less than 160,000 25%
160,000 - 300,000 30%
301,000 - 549,000 35%
550,000 - 1,089,000 40%
1,090,000 - 1,759,000 45%
1,760,000 - 2,999,000 50%
3,000,000 - 4,099,000 55%
4,100,000 - 6,929,000 65%
Above 6,930,000VND 70%
- You will never be charged (or receive credit/cash) for items that do not sell.
- We will declare the earning amount you will receive on each item when sold in the Draft Quotation(s) not the sales price of the items.
- Your earning amount will not be affected when there is any change in the sales price when the items are listed on our platform meaning if there is a discount on your listed item, your earning remains the same.
How we calculate your earning
Initial Item sale price You receive
Less than 160,000VND 25%
From 160,000VND - 300,000VND 30%
From 301,000VND - 549,000VND 35%
From 550,000VND - 1,089,000VND 40%
From 1,090,000VND - 1,759,000VND 45%
From 1,760,000 - 2,999,000VND 50%
From 3,000,000VND - 4,099,000VND 55%
From 4,100,000VND - 6,929,000VND 65%
Above 6,930,000VND 70%
- You will never be charged (or receive credit/cash) for items that do not sell.
- We will declare the earning amount you will receive on each item when sold in the Draft Quotation(s) not the sales price of the items.
- Your earning amount will not be affected when there is any change in the sales price when the items are listed on our platform meaning if there is a discount on your listed item, your earning remains the same.
How we calculate your earning
Initial Item sale price You receive
Less than 160,000VND 25%
From 160,000VND - 300,000VND 30%
From 301,000VND - 549,000VND 35%
From 550,000VND - 1,089,000VND 40%
From 1,090,000VND - 1,759,000VND 45%
From 1,760,000 - 2,999,000VND 50%
From 3,000,000VND - 4,099,000VND 55%
From 4,100,000VND - 6,929,000VND 65%
Above 6,930,000VND 70%
- You will never be charged (or receive credit/cash) for items that do not sell.
- We will declare the earning amount you will receive on each item when sold in the Draft Quotation(s) not the sales price of the items.
- Your earning amount will not be affected when there is any change in the sales price when the items are listed on our platform meaning if there is a discount on your listed item, your earning remains the same.
What to send us to sell
What we can sell
✔ Women clothing, footwears, bags & accessories
✔ Gently used or nearly new clothing that are trendy and suitable for the current season.
✔ Designer & local brands are preferred
✔ Please ensure that all items are clean, free of odor and dry before sending them to Passii
What we cannot sell
✘ High-value jewelry (gold, silver, diamond, gemstone, etc)
✘ Menswear & men's accessories
✘ Items that show signs of use, such as tears, holes, stains, discoloration, shrinkage, stretching,etc
✘ Products with missing size information, damaged or missing details
✘ Products with odors and stains that cannot be washed
✘ Counterfeit product
*If your consignment package includes items that belong to one of the above listings, we will actively transfer them into donation scheme.
What happens at the end of your consignment
Sales report
The consignment period is 45 days from listing. Passii will email the final sales report within 5 working days after the consignment ends.
Customer responds to the email as a confirmation of the cash-out process.
Get paid
You will receive your money back! There are 2 cash-out options you could consider.
♻ Processing of remaining items
Nhận về (Chọn gói Có Bảo Đảm Hoàn Trả): Trong trường hợp này, bạn sẽ trả thêm phí (mức phí sẽ dựa vào số lượng sản phẩm bạn gửi) nếu bạn muốn nhận lại những món hàng còn lại hoặc bị từ chối sau quá trình gửi hàng (không bao gồm phí vận chuyển).
Quyên góp cho Passii (Chọn gói Không cần Bảo Đảm): Nếu bạn không muốn nhận lại những bộ quần áo cũ sau kỳ ký gửi bạn có thể chọn quyên tặng chúng cho Passii. Chúng tôi sẽ tìm những nơi mới cho chúng ngay cả sau khi kỳ hạn gửi hàng kết thúc (không có phí bổ sung cho tùy chọn này).
Cashout Options
Cash (via bank transfer): If you select this option, simply reply to the confirmation email with your bank account details. Passii will process the payment within 14 working days.
Shopping credits (Passii Xu): By opting for this alternative, you will receive an extra 30% based on the total bill amount. The funds will be transferred directly to your Passii Pay account without any waiting period.